
 The Juice Detox Diet

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f you suffer from fatigue and strange, chronic conditions, your body may just
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modern diet that the body just doesn't need or want. A juice fast is the perfect
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The Juice Detox Diet (You have to Read this Great Article)

Guide On The History Of Professional Wrestling

By Amanda Baird

It is a common sight these days to see a television set on every household and form of entertainment they offer through the years have greatly evolved. It is no longer limited to sitcoms and soap operas but some new of forms of entertainment has invaded our TV set. The history of professional wrestling has been part of this new form of entertainment.

Professional wrestling used to be considered a legitimate sport in 1920 but has navigated away from actual fights and now evolved as purely for entertainment purposes. It employed modern theatrics not to compete with the fighters but for the enjoyment of the audience. Let us go back to the roots of how this entertainment came to be.

The humble beginnings of such entertainment started in France around 1830. It started on a carnival where show runners employ showmen to challenge the members of the public for five hundred francs to knock them down. These men usually are known for weird titles and fake names.

The first ever rule on this type of amusement was established by Jean Extraboyat wherein it does not allow any hold that is below the waist. He calls this rule as flat hand wrestling. Notably, this person also formed the first group of pro wrestlers called circus troupe. This rule of his later soon spread in the rest of Europe and became popularly known as Greco Roman wrestling.

Additionally, it became the widely popular in Europe and the most fashionable sport because the wrestlers wore flamboyant costumes to attract the attention of the masses and entertain everyone. Later in 1898, the first Professional World Champion was announced as Paul Pons. He is widely known for the title of the Colossus.

Furthermore, it was in the late 19th century that it reached the shore of United States and United Kingdom wherein it evolved once again to be called catch as catch can style. This new type differs with the Greco Roman in a way that it allows to hold above or below the waist and it even allow leg grips, and this eventually give birth to the modern of type of theatrics.

After World War 2, in America this new breed of recreation is divided into different regional leagues. Each league has an agreement never to steal the talent of another and never expand their show outside their region. Later on, the Northeast federation broke the rule by orchestrating competitions to other regional leagues and stealing talents in the process, they are later known as World Wrestling Federation.

Through television, it has gained influential an audience. Its characteristic has changed to fit the nature of television, improving wrestler traits and background stories. Some wrestlers even break in becoming influential personalities because of television. Mixed Martial Art is now hailed as the descendant of this new type of entertainment.

The history of professional wrestling is full of intrigues and interesting twists that are fitting for the industry they are in. Centuries has passed, still their appeal has not left us. Looks like they will be staying a little while longer.

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